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The Feral Pig

habitat: (introduced species) rainforest, monsoon forest patches, paperbark swamps, open floodplains, marsh areas, semi-arid floodplains, dry woodlands and subalpine grasslands and forests.


diet: green vegetation, fruit, grain, frogs, reptiles, fish, birds and their eggs, small mammals, carrion, roots, bulbs, corms and fungi, earthworms, beetles, centipedes, snails, snakes, turtles and their eggs


predators: humans, alligators, bobcats, crocodiles, foxes, leopards, lynx, tigers and wolves


lifespan: 5 years


Feral pigs are hosts of diseases

prey on newborn lamb, reduce yields in grain, sugarcane, fruits and vegetables crops through consuming and trampling

fences and water sources can be damaged and dams and waterholes fouled


They compete with livestock for pasture and damage pasture through up-rooting vegetation


disturb natural environment through rooting up soils, grasslands and forest litter and consuming native plants


help spread rootrot fungus responsible for dieback disease in native vegetation

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